Pre Submission Change to Conditional Logic Field


What I thought was a simple problem. Hope it actually is!

I have a field which asks whether the user wants a phone call. This field is conditionally shown on the input form based on whether the user has entered a phone number. This field also forms part of the notification conditional logic.

Everything works perfectly fine when the conditions are right and the field shows on the input form.

The problem is that when it is not shown on the form it seems the notification conditional logic no longer works and a notification is not sent.

Is there any simple way to overcome this? I have been looking at the pre_submission hook but just wasn’t sure the best way to populate the entry object with the field or even if that is possible.


Hello, pgvane. You should not need any custom code to do that if I understand correctly what you are looking for.

I recommend opening a support ticket, and including an export of your form so we can check the setup. Please also enable logging and test the form before submitting your ticket, and include your system status report.

You can open the support ticket here:

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