Possible to Disable or Modify the Template Library?

Are there any hooks available to disable the template library completely, or modify the templates that appear? I saw there were some other requests for this, but those were from a while ago, so I’m hoping there’s at least a workaround now.

I also wanted to mention that I reached out about this through support and they said to post here.

Thanks a ton. I appreciate the help.

Using some pretty hacky JavaScript code in the admin we were able to hide the template library. It essentially bypasses the library by automatically clicking to create a “Blank Form”. I’ve added the code below in case anyone wants to use it or has suggestions on how to make it better.

document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() {

	const templateLibraryContainer = document.querySelector( '[data-js=\"gf-template-library\"]' );

	// Only run this code if the template library is present.
	if ( templateLibraryContainer !== null ) {

		// Watch for the template library contents to be added to the DOM after page load.
		const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver( ( mutationsList ) => {

			for ( const mutation of mutationsList ) {

				const blankFormButton = templateLibraryContainer.querySelector( '.gform-card__form-template-blank-button' );
				if ( blankFormButton === null ) {


				// Watch for the "Blank Form" button to appear on the screen, then click it immediately.
				const blankFormButtonObserver = new IntersectionObserver( ( entries, observer ) => {

					entries.forEach( entry => {

						if ( entry.isIntersecting ) {

							setTimeout( () => {	blankFormButton.click(); }, 100 );
				blankFormButtonObserver.observe( blankFormButton );

				// If the user clicks to close the new form details, immediately close the template library so it's not shown.
				const newFormDetailsCloseButton  = document.querySelector( '.gform-flyout--no-description .gform-flyout__close' );
				const newFormDetailsCancelButton = document.querySelector( '.gform-flyout--no-description .gform-flyout__footer-secondary-button' );
				const templateLibraryCloseButton = document.querySelector( '.gform-template-library__exit-button' );
				if ( newFormDetailsCloseButton && newFormDetailsCancelButton && templateLibraryCloseButton ) {

					newFormDetailsCloseButton.addEventListener( 'click', () => { templateLibraryCloseButton.click(); } );
					newFormDetailsCancelButton.addEventListener( 'click', () => { templateLibraryCloseButton.click(); } );

		const config = { childList: true, subtree: true };
		mutationObserver.observe( templateLibraryContainer, config );

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