PHP Snippet to remove the footer in a given form

Hi guys,
For some reason I see that one of the forms I have on a clients site have emty space for the forms footer. No other forms have that. I wanted to remove the footer and found this resource for a php snippet: gppt_hide_footer - Gravity Wiz

It says that I have to use the following:
// format: gppt_hide_footer_{formId}
add_filter( ‘gppt_hide_footer_7’, ‘your_function_name’, 10, 3 );

I modified the form ID, however I think that I have to write my own function and that this line of code by itself won’t do anything. Can somebody help me? If there is another way to remove a forms footer, that would be great. TIA!

Hi Petya,

That particular filter hook is used to show or hide the form footer if the form navigation buttons are hidden. Is that the same issue you’re experiencing? if not then the filter hook won’t fix the issue you’re experiencing. Also, in other to use that filter hook, you’ll need to activate our GP Page Transitions Perk on your website, and you also do not need any custom functions. The snippet below should hide the footer of form 7.

add_filter( ‘gppt_hide_footer_7’, ‘__return_true’, 10, 2 );

Can you provide the URL to the form, so we can have a look at the exact issue?


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