Personal data visible on Google

I have worked hard to password protect my views and ensure personal data is not visible on any form submission, and yet when someone types their name into Google along with the website, their personal data including email and address comes up.
I am so confused and mortified about this. Can anyone help?
I created a form which has hundreds of entries.
I then integrated the form into different views (all password protected and without the personal information incorporated into any of the views.)

Many thanks in advance!

Hi Louise,

Sorry to hear that. You can follow the article below to Noindex the specific page to avoid this issue for the future. It’ll remove the specific page from the search engine and will never index in the future.

Give it a try, and let me know how that goes! :smile:

Hi Louise, sorry for the inconvenience!

Our Views are a Custom Post Type, so they behave like regular WordPress posts.

Direct access and crawling can be disabled:

Once Google indexes a page, it will only be removed when the crawler checks it again and finds that the content is no longer available.

Unfortunately, we can’t control when that happens.

Here’s how you can speed up this process:

I hope this helps!

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