PayPal Pro Addon

Hi, I am rebuilding a clients website. They are currently offering both a direct link to PayPal for purchases and entering CC/DD card details on the website via an API. The new website is about to go live and I have installed the PayPal Payment Pro addon from GF which is asking for PayFlow details to set up the API. Neither the client or PayPal have been helpful in finding these details, in fact, I don’t think they were ever set up correctly. My question is: is PayFlow the only way this can work? This should be an easy problem to solve but for some reason, it is becoming my biggest problem. Any shared experiences would be hugely appreciated.

Yes, PayFlow is the only way that add-on will work. If the client has an older PayPal Pro add-on, we have a deprecated add-on that was used for that version. If you need to try that, please contact support and ask for the older PayPal Pro add-on. Thanks

Thanks Chris, I have just been told by PayPal that I cannot use this as it is not a hosted solution and thus not PCI compliant. They are taking me down the Woo-commerce route. They say that although the card details are not stored on the database the card is being entered into the website rather than an iframe which is effectively like entering on the PayPal site itself. Is this true?


Essentially, yes. The details are transmitted to your server and then to PayPal, so that is not normally PCI compliant in a shared hosting environment. We are not experts in this regard, so you should obtain advice from someone who is more familiar with the PCI compliance in general and in your specific scenario.

Thanks Chris, is it possible to configure a PayPal button to use the PayPal Pro Hosted solution? I have no idea how to pass the field values into the button but I was wondering if it is possible.

I need a solution to offer PayPal payment and CC/DD payment that is fully PCI compliant.

Are you aware of anyone solving this with GF?


I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for either. I will leave this open in case anyone else has input.