Paragraph Background CSS [RESOLVED]

I am trying to change the background color of a paragraph text to white and cannot seem to figure it out.

Please share a link to the page on your site where we can see the form. That way, we can give you the exact CSS and make sure it’s working. Thank you.

Thanks Danielle. You can add this CSS to your theme (or child theme) stylesheet or via the Appearance Customizer (Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS):

.gform_wrapper textarea.large {
  background: #CCCCCC;
  color: #000000;
  border: 1px solid #000;

See also this article for additional information about placing CSS snippets: Where to Put Your Custom CSS - Gravity Forms Documentation

Here’s what your paragraph looks like with that CSS added to the page: Screenshot on 2024-02-19 at 13-39-55.png - Droplr

When I added that it removed the white background from the boxes for Candidate(s) Name, Email Address & Pronouns

Hi Danielle. I just checked this again. When I first loaded the page, the Name, Email, and Pronouns inputs were visible, but when I loaded it a second time, I see only Name and Email. In any event, when I added the CSS again, it colored the background of the paragraph only. Here’s a screenshot: Screenshot on 2024-02-20 at 10-53-08.png - Droplr

In which file or location did you add that CSS?

My customer requested to remove the pronoun field.

Name, Email and the “Anything additional…” field all need to have a white background.

Hi Danielle. Try this CSS to force the background of those fields to white:

.gform_wrapper input[type="text"],
.gform_wrapper input[type="number"],
.gform_wrapper textarea.textarea {
	background-color: #FFF!important;

You can add this CSS to your theme (or child theme) stylesheet or via the Appearance Customizer (Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS).

Screenshot of that applied to your form: Screenshot on 2024-02-20 at 13-30-04.png - Droplr

That worked! Thank you so much for the assist :slight_smile:

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