Orbital Theme Without Block Editor [RESOLVED]


I recently came back to gravity forms after many many years (10 at least!) and I just wanted to say well done on continuing to work on this fantastic plugin.

Back to the point at hand. I dont use the wordpress block editor, I use bricks theme builder so I have placed the form in my page via a shortcode.

The issue is I need to edit the CSS… I have the json code which works great for the block editor.

How can I edit the form without the block editor?


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Hi Stephen. You can use the gform_default_styles filter and paste your JSON there to apply that to your forms:

Hello Chris,

I tried this but there was no changes. I wonder if it was due to me using the Bricks builder for wordpress?

I could not find theme.json in wp-content/plugins/gravityforms either

Fixed, I had to grab the theme.json file from the default wordpress theme (twentytwentyfour) and add it to the Bricks child theme directory.

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