We have purchased a licence for the Gravity Forms Extension - GeoLocation Home - Gravity Geolocation
Unfortunately, I cannot get hold of the developer at all. We need some additions to the extension made:
1-Add an option to “hide Marker all the time” to the GeoCoder field, there is already an option to hide marker on initial load
This will ensure that when the map location is updated from the user entering the address, a marker is not shown on the map. But the map location is updated to show the geocoded address.
2-Add an option to “Show Drawing tools” to the map field
That when ticked, enables the drawing tools for the map field. As per Drawing Tools | Maps JavaScript API | Google Developers
The only one we would need is Draw a shape
The user then draws one or more shapes on the map.
The form should add this as a field with the drawing data saved – I believe it will do this already.
Can anyone help?