jQuery form submission does nothing [RESOLVED]

I’m trying to submit a form on an element change. The .submit() method on the valid Gravity Form element executes but nothing happens. There are no errors on the frontend or console and the form is not submitted. I even added a submit handler (not included) to verify the method was being successfully called by my code. How do I get jQuery to submit the form?

var previousTabIndex = 0; // initial 0 for the first tab.

jQuery(document).on( 'pp-tabs-switched', function( event, $activeTab ) {

   $tabIndex = previousTabIndex+1;
   $theForm = jQuery('#tab-'+$tabIndex+'-content').find('form');

   console.log ("submitting #"+$theForm.attr('id'));

   previousTabIndex = $activeTab.data('index');

For anyone else having this issue, the fix was to change:


