Issues customising form

Does anyone know what CSS I can use to change the button colours of the paged steps/progress & how to get the button to stretch across the whole form like this?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Sophie,

Could you please share your exact webpage URL so I can further investigate to resolve the issue?

Hi Faisal,
The website is currently not live so I can’t share a link.

Hi Faisal,

Do you have any CSS that can change the active + not active paged steps?

This is the code listed on the gravity forms site but it doesn’t make any changes for me:

Active step: body #gform_wrapper_ 1 .gf_page_steps .gf_step_active { color : red }
Inactive step: body #gform_wrapper_ 1 .gf_page_steps .gf_step_pending { color : red }

Hi Sophie,

I might have found your post on the Gravity Forms Facebook group too. Actually, it’s really difficult to give you a solution based on the provided information. If possible, migrate your website to a temporary server such as or so that I can further investigate and resolve it. Thank you.

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