Issue With A 3rd Party Plugin Auto Advanced For GF

Hey everyone, I’m curious how I can troubleshoot the auto-advance-for-gravity-forms.php file for why it’s breaking GF’s built in conditional logic. Appears the author has abandoned it and I was hoping for some insight to look for.

Example, could it be a class selector that’s changed in GF or perhaps something in GF changed that messed up AAFGF?

I’m not looking for you to solve my issue. I’m just look for someone to point me in the right direction as it would be nice to continue with this plugin and help others as well.



Plugin Name: Auto Advance for GravityForms
Description:  The Auto Advance plugin for Gravity Forms makes the form filling process quicker and more user friendly for visitors. The plugin gives an easy way to choose which field(s) trigger an auto advance to the next step of your form.
Version: 4.1
Author: Frog Eat Fly
Tested up to: 5.3.3
Author URI:
define( 'ZZD_AAGF_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
define( 'ZZD_AAGF_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) );
define( 'AUTO_ADVANCED_ZZD', '4.1' );

if ( !function_exists( 'aafgf_fs' ) ) {
    // Create a helper function for easy SDK access.
    function aafgf_fs()
        global  $aafgf_fs ;
        if ( !isset( $aafgf_fs ) ) {
            // Include Freemius SDK.
            require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/freemius/start.php';
            $aafgf_fs = fs_dynamic_init( array(
                'id'             => '6159',
                'slug'           => 'auto-advance-for-gravity-forms',
                'type'           => 'plugin',
                'public_key'     => 'pk_03c636a8e7786094d99a1bf5e2e43',
                'is_premium'     => false,
                'has_addons'     => false,
                'has_paid_plans' => true,
                'menu'           => array(
                'first-path' => 'plugins.php',
                'support'    => false,
                'is_live'        => true,
            ) );
        return $aafgf_fs;
    // Init Freemius.
    // Signal that SDK was initiated.
    do_action( 'aafgf_fs_loaded' );
    function aafgf_fs_settings_url()
        return admin_url( 'admin.php?page=zzd_auto_advanced_for_gravityforms' );
    // aafgf_fs()->add_filter( 'connect_url', 'aafgf_fs_settings_url' );
    // aafgf_fs()->add_filter( 'after_skip_url', 'aafgf_fs_settings_url' );
    // aafgf_fs()->add_filter( 'after_connect_url', 'aafgf_fs_settings_url' );
    // aafgf_fs()->add_filter( 'after_pending_connect_url', 'aafgf_fs_settings_url' );
    aafgf_fs()->add_filter( 'pricing_url', 'aafgf_upgrade_url' );
    function aafgf_upgrade_url( $url )
        $modified_url = "";
        return $modified_url;


add_action( 'gform_loaded', array( 'GF_Auto_Advanced_AddOn', 'load' ), 5 );
class GF_Auto_Advanced_AddOn
    public static function load()
        if ( !method_exists( 'GFForms', 'include_addon_framework' ) ) {
        require_once 'class-gfautoadvancedaddon.php';
        GFAddOn::register( 'GFAutoAdvancedAddOn' );

add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'load_aagf_languages', 0 );
function load_aagf_languages()
    load_plugin_textdomain( 'gf-autoadvanced', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' );

function aafg_simple_addon()
    return GFAutoAdvancedAddOn::get_instance();

function aagf_fn_validate_required_plugins()
    if ( !method_exists( 'GFForms', 'include_payment_addon_framework' ) ) {
        return false;
    return true;

function aagf_fn_admin_notice()
    $show = false;
    if ( aafgf_fs()->is_not_paying() ) {
        $show = true;
    if ( isset( $_GET['show_notices'] ) ) {
        delete_transient( 'aafg-notice' );
        $show = true;
    if ( !aagf_fn_validate_required_plugins() ) {
        <div id="aafg-notice-error" class="aafg-notice-error notice notice-error">
            <div class="notice-container">
                <span> <?php 
        _e( "Auto Advanced Needs GravityForms Active", "gf-autoadvanced" );
    } else {
        if ( $show && false == get_transient( 'aafg-notice' ) && current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) {
    <div id="aafg-notice" class="aafg-notice notice is-dismissible ">
        <div class="notice-container">
            <div class="notice-image">
                <img src="<?php 
            echo  ZZD_AAGF_URL ;
            ?>/images/icon.png" class="custom-logo" alt="AAFG">
            <div class="notice-content">
                <div class="notice-heading">
            _e( "Hi there, Thanks for using Multi Page Auto Advanced for Gravity Forms", "gf-autoadvanced" );
            _e( "Did you know our PRO version includes the ability to use the auto advance functionality conditionally per selection? Check it out!", "gf-autoadvanced" );
            ?>  <br>
                <div class="aafg-review-notice-container">
                    <a href="" class="aafg-notice-close aafg-review-notice button-primary" target="_blank">
            _e( "See The Demo", "gf-autoadvanced" );
                <span class="dashicons dashicons-smiley"></span>
                    <a href="#" class="aafg-notice-close notice-dis aafg-review-notice">
            _e( "Dismiss", "gf-autoadvanced" );
    echo  '<style>.notice-container{padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;display:flex;justify-content:left;align-items:center;}.notice-image img{max-width:90px;}.notice-content{margin-left:15px;}.notice-content.notice-heading{padding-bottom:5px;}.aafg-review-notice-container a{padding-left:5px;text-decoration:none;}.aafg-review-notice-container{display:flex;align-items:center;padding-top:10px;}.aafg-review-notice-container.dashicons{font-size:1.4em;padding-left:10px;}</style>' ;

add_action( 'admin_notices', 'aagf_fn_admin_notice' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_aafg-notice-dismiss', 'aafg_ajax_fn_dismiss_notice' );
function aafg_ajax_fn_dismiss_notice()
    $notice_id = ( isset( $_POST['notice_id'] ) ? sanitize_key( $_POST['notice_id'] ) : '' );
    $repeat_notice_after = 60 * 60 * 24;
    if ( !empty($notice_id) ) {
        if ( !empty($repeat_notice_after) ) {
            set_transient( $notice_id, true, $repeat_notice_after );

add_action( "admin_footer", "aafg_footer_script" );
function aafg_footer_script()
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var $ = jQuery;
        var admin_url_zzd = '<?php 
    echo  admin_url( "admin-ajax.php" ) ;
        jQuery(document).on("click", '#aafg-notice .notice-dis', function(){ 
            $( this ).parents('#aafg-notice').find('.notice-dismiss').click();
        jQuery(document).on("click", '#aafg-notice .notice-dismiss', function(){ 
            var notice_id = $( this ).parents('#aafg-notice').attr( 'id' ) || '';
                url: admin_url_zzd,
                type: 'POST',
                data: {
                    action            : 'aafg-notice-dismiss',
                    notice_id         : notice_id,

// add_filter( "gform_addon_navigation", "zzd_fn_gform_addon_navigation", 100, 1);
function zzd_fn_gform_addon_navigation( $addon_menus )
    if ( !aagf_fn_validate_required_plugins() ) {
        return $addon_menus;
    $addon_menus[] = array(
        'label'      => 'Auto Advanced For Gravity Forms',
        'permission' => 'update_plugins',
        'name'       => 'zzd_auto_advanced_for_gravityforms',
        'callback'   => 'zzd_fn_auto_advanced_for_gravityforms',
    return $addon_menus;

function zzd_fn_auto_advanced_for_gravityforms()
    if ( aafgf_fs()->is_not_paying() ) {
            <h1> Auto Advanced For Gravity Forms </h1>
            <div id="aafg-notice" class="aafg-notice1 notice1 is-dismissible1 ">
                <div class="notice-container">
                    <div class="notice-image" style="width: 15%;">
                        <img src="<?php 
        echo  ZZD_AAGF_URL ;
        ?>/images/icon.png" class="custom-logo" alt="AAFG" style="width: 100%;max-width: 100%;">
                    <div class="notice-content">
                        <h3 class="notice-heading" style="margin: 0;">
                            You are using free version of auto advanced. Checkout pro version for more features.
                        <div class="aafg-review-notice-container">
                            <a href="" class="aafg-notice-close aafg-review-notice button-primary" target="_blank" style="text-align: center;padding:5px 40px; margin-right: 15px;">Demo</a>
                            <a href="<?php 
        echo  aafgf_fs()->get_upgrade_url() ;
        ?>" class="aafg-notice-close aafg-review-notice button-primary" target="_blank" style="text-align: center;padding:5px 40px; margin-right: 15px;">Upgrade</a>
    } else {
            <h1> Auto Advanced For Gravity Forms </h1>
            <div id="aafg-notice" class="aafg-notice1 notice1 is-dismissible1 ">
                <div class="notice-container">
                    <div class="notice-image" style="width: 15%;">
                        <img src="<?php 
        echo  ZZD_AAGF_URL ;
        ?>/images/icon.png" class="custom-logo" alt="AAFG" style="width: 100%;max-width: 100%;">
                    <div class="notice-content">
                        <h3 class="notice-heading" style="margin: 0;">
                            Hurray! You have Premium Version of Auto Advanced of Gravity Forms
                        <div class="aafg-review-notice-container">
                            <a href="" class="aafg-notice-close aafg-review-notice button-primary" target="_blank" style="text-align: center;padding:5px 40px; margin-right: 15px;">Demo</a>
                            <a href="<?php 
        echo  aafgf_fs()->get_account_url() ;
        ?>" class="aafg-notice-close aafg-review-notice button-primary" target="_blank" style="text-align: center;padding:5px 40px; margin-right: 15px;">Account</a>


type or paste code here


Dario from Gravity Wiz is here.

We have an early-access plugin version of GP Page Transitions that are available to our customers. It provides a UI in the field setting to add paged transitions to multi-paged forms.

It also integrates with all of our other Perks and specifically with Gravity Forms Multi-Step Form - Multi-Page Navigation | Gravity Wiz

I hope this helps.


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