Is there a way to see in which Gravity forms post custom fields are used?

I have a client whoe needs to create their own forms regularly. Recently there are many Untitled posts in Posts in their WordPress site. A month or two ago we discovered this was due to one of the many forms that had a field of the post type fields, instead of just a normal text field. Meaning that after submit, Gravity creates a new post.
Now the problem is back but since they have so many forms I would like to know if there is a more efficient way to track which forms have a post creating field, instead of having to inspect each form one by one.

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If the post still exists, and the post was created using the built-in post creation feature, you can identify which form created it by checking the _gform-form-id post custom field. The ID of the entry is also saved to the _gform-entry-id custom field.