Is it possible to use multiple conditional logic filters on Zapier feeds?

Is it possible to use multiple conditional logic filters on Zapier feeds? I do not see an option to add additional filters beyond the first filter.

The Zapier add-on is the last of our add-ons to not be converted over to the add-on framework, and as such does NOT support multiple conditional logic conditions (with Any or All) on the feed. We are working on a new version of the Zapier add-on which will support multiple conditional logic rules, but there is no release date set. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

Plus one for this update. We are using Zapier more and more, and multiple logic conditionals are already required in some sites we develop. Thanks :grinning:

Plus one again for this update, please. It would be super useful.

Any update on this improvement? I can see it’s been a while, just downloaded the GF Zapier add on and seems that it still only allows for one condition.

Hi Daisy. I recommend taking a look at Zapier 4 beta. All the conditional logic is configured on the Zapier side of things, and it will be possible to use multiple conditions:

Don’t install that on a production site, but if you have a test or staging environment, install it there and see if it’s possible to configure the zap in a way that supports your multiple conditions. If you have any questions, please let us know.