Invisible reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA V3 support

It would be great to add support for the newer versions of reCAPTCHA!


We have that on our list of requested features. I’ll add another vote for you there!


+1 for this, is there a way I can add a vote myself to these feature requests?


I can add it for you. The feature requests are not public. I added your vote. Thank you.

Add a vote for me too, especially for Invisible


I added your vote just now.

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+1 vote for me too.


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+1 vote for me too :slight_smile:

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I added your vote

+1 vote for me too.
Thank you

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I added another vote!

+1 for reCAPTCHA V3 support

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+1 vote here also, this is MUCH needed in GF natively. MUCH!

Thank you. Two more votes were added today.

+1 here too. Would love to see v3 added.

I added your vote.


It is nice to tell us that you have added someone’s vote but how far up the feature request table is this recaptcha request?

If it isn’t very high on the table, or not coming very soon in the dev timeline then we might need to look into getting an addon coded which would be an expensive pain.

Being able to see the ranking of all feature requests would be very useful.



We don’t have a roadmap or timeline like that I’m afraid. I don’t have an estimated timeframe for the inclusion. Thank you for your feedback.

+1 for adding V3 support. Will likely have to build out a custom integration for a client over the next couple of days, I can post results/maybe turn it into a plugin all going well.

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Please do share if you accomplish that.