Insert a shortcode inside a GF shortcode? (Geodirectory meta info)


Hoping for some help pretty please.

I’m using Geodirectory and Gravity Forms. The Form is on the Geodirectory listing page. I’m trying to use a Geodirectory shortcode inside the Gravity Forms shortcode (both are on the same page).

I’d like to use the shortcode below, but can’t get the field_values to work.
[gravityform id=“4” title=“false” description=“false” tabindex=“12” field_values=‘busidri=[gd_post_meta key=“code”]’]

when I type <busidri=TBC>, it works, but it won’t accept the Geodirectory shortcode inside the GF shortcode - if that makes sense.

I also tried inside of that GF field to say
Default Value:
{custom_field:[gd_post_meta key=“code”]}
but that didn’t work either.

I’ve tried lots of little things and I can’t seem to get it to work so if anyone has any ideas on what I’m missing or how to get it to work I’d really appreciate your help. Thank you!

Hi @HappyDays. Gravity Forms does not support nested shortcodes like that. I recommend embedding the form via the PHP function:


Then, you will be able to use the PHP function that is being called by your Geodirectory shortcode, in the theme file, before you embed the form in Gravity Forms.

Could it be done via a hook filter? perhaps?