How to get workflow to return to form submission if entry is rejected

I am setting up a workflow that starts with a user submitting a form. That form then has to be approved or rejected. I’m having an issue with what happens when it’s rejected. I don’t want to use the default option where the workflow is complete at that point. If the entry is rejected, I want the user to be able to update/correct their form and resubmit it for approval.

I’m sure I’m missing something obvious because I’m new to Gravity Flow, but I can’t figure it out. I’ve tried two things and neither worked:

  1. I directed it to go back to ‘Start’ if rejected. I thought this would take it back to the start of the workflow, which is the form, but it didn’t. When I tested it, in the user inbox it says they are on a step that isn’t even part of the workflow. In fact, it isn’t part of any workflow.

  2. I created a new step using the ‘Update Fields’ step type. I made it conditional so that this step only happens if the status of the approval step is ‘rejected’. I also directed that approval step to go to this new step if the entry was rejected. I thought this would take care of the step issue and allow the user to update the fields in their entry, but it does the same thing as the previous solution I tried. In the user’s inbox, it’s saying it’s on a step of a workflow that doesn’t exist (same exact one that showed up in my first solution).

What am I doing wrong? How do I fix it?

Here’s a photo of how the workflow is set up at the moment:

Hi @user65428e5876c73402,

A couple tips that will help get you on the right path. I’d encourage you to reach out to our support team if you want more specific help with your workflow.

  • You are on the right track with the next step setting. Check out the workflow branches doc that covers how to use it effectively.

  • The Update Fields step type is meant to automatically make changes to an entry from settings you define in the step. Either field values from another entry, custom values or a mix of merge tags. Instead, you’d want to configure a user input step. You can either assign based on an email field, a user field or specific user/role in WordPress, or if the form settings are set to require the user to be logged in, an option for ‘Created By’ will let you assign that user input step to them.

  • When you have a user input step in the workflow, the approval step can be configured to give a 3rd option (reject). See setting up an approval process for more details. That way reject can be “this is a hot mess and can stop right now” while revert is “with some small changes we would be able to approve this”.


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