How to correctly setup Gravity Forms with caching plugins

Hi there, the question is pretty self-explanatory. I was wondering, how to set up Gravity Forms with caching plugins. When caching is enabled, Ajax on my forms is not working and the success message gets displayed in a blank window. I tried using the cache buster plugin by GravityWiz, but this does not support the {embed_url} - the field return ajax URL. Is it possible to get caching and Gravity Forms work together correctly?

Hi Marianssen,

You’re right about the Cachebuster. It returns the Ajax URL because when using Cachebuster, the form is loaded via AJAX , bypassing the WordPress cache. If you have an active Gravity Perks license, you can contact us via our supportform to submit a feature request for this.

Another solution that may work for you will be to set up the Caching plugin you’re using to exclude any page with Gravity Form from being cached.


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