I’ve created an ‘opt-in’ to email marketing checkbox on a GF User Registration flow and I’m trying to use the result as both a Wordpress ACF (advanced custom field) meta key, and an AutomateWoo opt-in key. Here’s what I have so far:
The optin_email_marketing is my ACF meta key and this works. I can login to a user account backend and see whether the box was checked (or not) during the user registration signup.
However, I cannot seem to get the automatewoo_optin key to work. I’m not even positive this is the right meta key, but this is what AutomateWoo uses for the checkbox name and id when they use their own checkbox:
<input type="checkbox" class="woocommerce-form__input woocommerce-form__input-checkbox input-checkbox" name="automatewoo_optin" id="automatewoo_optin">
If I can’t get this to work, my only other option is to embed the AutomateWoo opt-in box into the gravity form and write a custom template to accomplish this, but we’re getting ready to onboard GHL and I would much prefer to keep all the key user metadata in the wordpress + ACF space and let tools like AutomateWoo and GHL pull from that one centralized place for things like Opt-In information.
Any help would be deeply appreciated, as I’ve fiddled with this for close to a day and I’m not skilled enough to figure it out.