Giving manager access to view forms entries?

Hello - this may be an odd request. I have a couple of managers who I would love to give access to GF, mainly the entries. Are there any creative ways to enable GF for WP contributors? I’d like them to not have to deal with all the other WP admin menus and such.

On a related note, are there any plugins developed that can expose GF entries in password protected web pages? I was going to code up some abstracted pages like this when I have time so that lay users could view the tables of entries. Anything started like this?

Thanks! I love Gravity Forms – makes my life so much easier!


This plugin could allow you to set restrictions on viewing forms and entries for certain users or groups:

To display entries in a page, you can use Gravity View:

To restrict access to that page, you can use a free plugin such as this:

Or there are plenty of paid membership plugins which can restrict content like that as well. I think so something simple I would use Members though.