Entering time as a duration

Curious how others have solved this. I need users to enter time as a duration.
They are volunteers entering their volunteer hours.
I don’t care when they start and finish, just need them to be able to enter how long they worked in one field.

Ideally they could enter any of the following as valid data:
90 (for 90 minutes)
1.5 (for 1-and-a-half hours)
1:30 (for 1 hr, 30 minutes)

How have you gone about this?

Hm how about a drop down with those increments?

Half hour (value 30)
One hour (value 60)
1.5 Hour (value 90)

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Good idea, but it could be in 5-minute increments, anywhere from 5 minutes to 8 hours or more. So that’s a big ton o’ dropdown. Might actually work though.

Maybe instead you could have a Time field for start and end.

Not sure how this is being processed after, but if it’s a human reading it, then they can calculate the time spent based on the start/end?

That was my first go-to, but the volunteers rejected it as they felt like it was too big of a pain in the neck, like clocking in and out of work. They just wanted to say how long they served. I guess it was easier to say “I worked on that 20 minutes” rather than “I started at 4:15 and went until 4:35.”

I appreciate your input! You’re helping me think it out.

haha in that case I would say they should be able to accept 15 or 30 minute increments. They can’t have down-to-the-minute flexibility if they’re not willing to enter at that level of specificity.

Good point!

Interested in any other ideas from the community. Will let you all know how we finally proceed.

Maybe this could help you:

You can insert one slider for hour (for example 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)
and another slider for minute (15, 30, and 45)

This way, your users can choose between 15 minute to 5:45 with only two fields.

drop down for hrs
drop down for minutes (5min increments)

actual time = hrs + minutes/60

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Thanks, mo ar and Sean Martin. I will probably use something like Sean suggested, perhaps in 10 or 15 minute increments like Simon C suggested. The Range Slider looks cool, but may be difficult on a phone.

Thank you all.

I would have just used a single-line text field. It accepts both text and numbers. This means you can use just one field and the volunteers can add their hours however they want. e.g. 1 and a half hours, 1.5 or 1:3hr.

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