Edit Form HTML Code

I’m new to Gravity Forms and not an expert in editing code. I used my web browser’s inspect element feature to target an element and change the form design to fit my needs.


How do I update the original form code with the new code?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Using Elmentor Hello Theme

Hey Rodney,

Have you tried custom CSS code? Why would you like to modify the HTML code when the custom CSS code could help you to customize the default design?

The “Domain: Environment” field is not part of the Gravity Form Likert Scale (Add on) design. Originally there was nothing in the box (see image below), while the areas “Observed” and “Not Observed” are part of the GF options that can be changed. I targeted the “Domain: Environment” field by using Chrome’s Inspect Elements. I need some guidance on how to target the field using CSS.

Hey @user61fc3bc8c4ff1522
Please share the website URL so I can check.

The link is below. I’m targeting the cell to the left of “Observed.”

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