I have a problem where the data for the dropdown selection is not saved with the entry. I added a field that is not pre-filled and that value does get saved. Pre-fills for checkboxes, text and numbers all work fine. What am I missing for dropdowns?
I pre-populate a form with the hooks:
add_filter( 'gform_pre_render_2', 'populate_store_update' );
add_filter( 'gform_pre_validation_2', 'populate_store_update' );
add_filter( 'gform_pre_submission_filter_2', 'populate_store_update' );
add_filter( 'gform_admin_pre_render_2', 'populate_store_update' );
The code snippet for one of the dropdown fields is (I adapted this code from this forum):
if ($field->inputName == 'storeownership'){
$field_id = $field->id;
$input_id = 1;
$currentsownership =$respArray['Value']; // this is the currently selected choice
foreach( $ownerships as $ownership ) {
//skipping index that are multiples of 10 (multiples of 10 create problems as the input IDs)
if ( $input_id % 10 == 0 ) {
if ($ownership == $currentsownership){
$ownerChoices[] = array( 'text' => $ownership, 'value' => $ownership, 'isSelected' => 1 );
} else {
$ownerChoices[] = array( 'text' => $ownership, 'value' => $ownership);
$ownerInputs[] = array( 'label' => $ownership, 'id' => "{$field_id}.{$input_id}" );
$field->choices = $ownerChoices;
$field->inputs = $ownerInputs;
} //end of storeownership
I looked at the page code for the form preview and at the form as pre-filled. I don’t see any significant issues:
Form field in preview:
< li id='field_2_44' class='gfield field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible' >
< label class='gfield_label' for='input_2_44' >Location< /label><
< select name='input_44' id='input_2_44' class='medium gfield_select' aria-invalid="false">
< option value='First Choice' >First Choice</option>
< option value='Second Choice' >Second Choice</option>
< option value='Third Choice' >Third Choice</option>
< /select>
< /div>< /li>
Form files as pre-filled:
< li id='field_2_44' class='gfield field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible' >
< label class='gfield_label' for='input_2_44_1' >Location</label>
< div class='ginput_container ginput_container_select'>
< select name='input_44' id='input_2_44' class='medium gfield_select' aria-invalid="false">
< option value='Branch' >Branch</option>
< option value='Main' selected='selected'>Main</option>
< /select>
< /div>< /li>