Drop down 'choices' fields unreadable with 'values visible' and 'price' selected

I have a form with ‘choices’ drop down, that includes ‘values’ and ‘prices’ visible, but the inclusion of these last two makes the details impossible to view for the editor.

My ‘label’ contains details which need to be scrolled through to read.

Is there a way to expand these fields? I need to be able to read them! Can the ‘settings’ section be dragged wider? I can’t find a way to do this.

Thanks for any help!

Hi Dominic. The product team is aware of the usability issue surrounding this and are planning on addressing that in an upcoming release. Currently, there is no way to adjust the size of that field. I have found that using the “Bulk Add / Predefined Choices” button opens up a larger area in which to work. You can edit the label/value/price in a text editor, and then paste it back into that field. It’s not a great solution, but that is how I deal with it currently. It will be much better once addresses in an upcoming release. I’ll leave this open in case anyone else can share an alternate solution.

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