Does the Retention Policy option also delete associated upload(s)?

Regarding the “Retention Policy” option under a forms’ “Personal Data” section; when the “Delete entries permanently automatically” option is selected, will it also delete any associated uploads to the entry? That is assuming the form had such a field. It is not in the documentation and I didn’t want to wait a whole day to find out. Maybe someone knows or can show me how to force a date change and cron job run?

Thank you for your time and attention.

There seems to be an issue with the retention policy deletion feature. Its not deleting the entry, at all!

I edited the database entry date to days in the past and manually ran all the crons. Entry still exists.

I also created a basic contact form, (name, email) and set retention to just 1 day. Edited database entry to days past and ran crons. Same result. Entry still exists.

Its not deleting the entry …

  • because the entry contains an uploaded file?
  • because I have GravityView installed and there is some sort of conflict not permitting deletion?