I would like to have uploaded fields within a form and counted the number of uploaded images into a single field.
Found this code but this count all upload filed in the form…
add_action( 'gform_pre_render', 'set_number_of_uploaded_images' );
// Set the uploaded images count field and make it readonly
function set_number_of_uploaded_images( $form ) {
// only run hook for form_id = 1
if ( $form['id'] != 1 ) {
return $form;
// make any input field with the class gf_readonly to be read-only
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery("li.gf_readonly input").attr("readonly","readonly");
<script type="text/javascript">
gwCountFiles = function (fieldID, formID) {
function getAllFiles(formID) {
var selector = '#gform_uploaded_files_' + formID,
$uploadedFiles = jQuery(selector), files;
files = $uploadedFiles.val();
files = '' === files ? {} : jQuery.parseJSON(files);
return files;
function getFiles(fieldID, formID) {
var allFiles = getAllFiles(formID);
var inputName = getInputName(fieldID);
if (typeof allFiles[inputName] == 'undefined')
allFiles[inputName] = [];
return allFiles[inputName];
function getInputName(fieldID) {
return "input_" + fieldID;
var files = getFiles(fieldID, formID);
return files.length;
gform.addFilter('gform_file_upload_markup', function (html, file, up, strings, imagesUrl) {
var formId = up.settings.multipart_params.form_id,
fieldId = up.settings.multipart_params.field_id,
targetId = 7; // set this to the field_id of your uploaded files count field
html = '<strong>' + file.name + "</strong> <img class='gform_delete' "
+ "src='" + imagesUrl + "/delete.png' "
+ "onclick='gformDeleteUploadedFile(" + formId + "," + fieldId + ", this);countThemFiles(" + formId + ", " + fieldId + ", 0, " + targetId + ");' "
+ "alt='" + strings.delete_file + "' title='" + strings.delete_file + "' />";
countThemFiles(formId, fieldId, 1, targetId);
return html;
function countThemFiles(formId, fieldId, offset, targetId) {
var count = gwCountFiles(fieldId, formId);
jQuery('#input_' + formId + '_' + targetId).val(count + offset).change();
return $form;
It is possible?
Zoltán Oláh