Calculate the date 18 months from a date field

I have a form with a date field for when a process is first performed and then a radio button field with a selection of 12, 18, 24, and 36 months for a review process to happen.
What would make things easier for me is to have a 2nd date field automatically take the first date and add the selected number of months.
The second date field doesn’t have to be shown to the user in that form, but I’ll want it for a notification and, later, in a dashboard.
I have seen suggestions that a Gravity Perk can help - Date Time Calculator - but this doesn’t seem to be one of that Perk’s capabilities.
Thanks for any help

This snippet will do the trick.

You can set the value of your radio buttons field as the modifier. Rough example:

new GW_Populate_Date( array(
	'form_id'         => 1895,
	'target_field_id' => 2,
	'source_field_id' => 1,
	'modifier'        => array(
		'type'     => 'field',
		'inputId'  => 3, // Radio Buttons field ID.
		'modifier' => '+{0} days',
) );

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