Stylizing the preview text, fonts, colors, weight

Hello I’d like to change the font weight for the preview font in a text field at the bottom of this page I am using a Gravity Form near the bottom, with the heading contact. Can you tell me what I’d target to change the font weight and possibly font size of the preview text in these fields? Thank you! - Kelley

Hi Kelley. You can add this CSS to your theme (or child theme) stylesheet or via the Appearance Customizer (Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS):

::-webkit-input-placeholder { 
    color: #333 !important; 
    font-weight: 300 !important;
    opacity: 0.7!important;
::-moz-placeholder { 
    color: #333 !important; 
    font-weight: 300 !important;
    opacity: 0.7!important;
:-ms-input-placeholder { 
    color: #333 !important; 
    font-weight: 300 !important;
    opacity: 0.7!important;
:-moz-placeholder { 
    color: #333 !important; 
    font-weight: 300 !important;
    opacity: 0.7!important;

See also this article for additional information about placing CSS snippets:



Thanks so much for your reply. I added this CSS via the Appearance Customizer but did not see any change to the placeholder fields. Do I need to target something else before targeting the pseudo-elements? Trying to figure out what I’m missing here…

Thanks in advance for any guidance. I’m on Gravity Forms Version 2.7.16

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