I am trying to style a consent checkbox but I seem to be running into some issues. Right now I’m targeting the checkbox generally (as opposed to just the one used for consent) and somehow it is being overridden by a class somewhere else. I’m looking to:
Change the border color and thickness
Change the background color when checked
Change the background color when checked and hovered over
When I inspect using Chrome Dev Tools, I cannot see where the thickness or color of the border is being set, nor can I see what class is acting on the checkbox to set background colour. Does anyone have any ideas?
@jgiroux Note that checkboxes are elements generated by the browser not by Gravity Forms, so they don’t accept most CSS properties that you can use to easily style other elements.
So instead of trying to target the default checkbox input generated by the browser, best practice is to hide the default checkbox input and replace it with a custom element.