Space under html blocks [RESOLVED]

Is there a way to remove space under the HTML block so I can get the fields closer to the ‘title’, OR is there a better way to do this? (These fields are conditional when the ‘Buying my first home’ check box is checked.

Can you share the URL where I can check the form and provide you with custom CSS to remove the space between the HTML block and the other fields?

That would be great thanks!
When you check the ‘Buying my first home’ box it shows and I want to do that for most of the checkboxes. Thank you!

The link you provided is not working at my end.

Same, I received a 404 Not Found response as well:

Oh no, sorry!! I updated the url - here you go: ECL Employee sign-up – Loyalee

To reduce space between HTML fields and next field add the following CSS code in your theme’s style.css file or under Appearance → Customizer → Additional CSS

.gform_wrapper .gfield_html {
    margin-bottom: -20px;

Amazing, thank you so much Sushil!

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