Set default value of dropdown field based on selection on another field

I have a product dropdown field (field id: input_56_6) and a “How to contact me” dropdown field. I have 10 values in the product dropdown. If the user selects certain values in the product dropdown, I want to default the “How to contact me” field to the choice of “Email only”. I figured I need to use the ‘gform_input_change’ hook but I am not sure how to do it. Can someone please tell me how to do it?

Thank you.

Hi @lkrefski, I don’t believe you can do this without custom js. Interested to hear if anyone else has a built-in solution.

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Hi Lara, if you are an Elite license holder the Chained Selects add-on could do this for you. Otherwise, you could just use various drop downs interchangeably as the second one and swop them out using conditional logic (if that would work for you).

Hope this helps!

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Thank you for your response, Phil. Unfortunately, I am not an Elite license holder. I don’t love the idea of having to use various dropdowns interchangeably but if I have to I will.

This is made possible by the wizzes over at Gravity Wiz. You’ll want to use Populate Anything it will filter the available option in a drop down field based on the selection made in a previous field. Drop downs auto select the first option as well so there isn’t a need to have multiple fields. So long as you configure your dynamic option conditions properly it will do exactly what you’re wanting without writing any code either.

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