QR Code message for Chris hajer

Hi Chris, i have seen your post:

Can you help me out with the form itself or point out how to work with that?
Thanks in advanced!

Hi Pim. What are you looking for specifically?

Can you post your requirements here?

Sorry Chris, i’m looking for a tip for the form ([SITE REMOVED]/?fname=Chris&lname=Hajer&eml=chrishajer@gmail.com&cpy=Rocketgenius&attid=123459876). I have tryed to test it my self on a form that i created on a own website but that didn’t work. Is their something special done with that form?
Thanks Pim

The form needs to be set up with all the fields to “allow dynamic population” and then the dynamic population parameter names need to match what is in the query string. The parameter names from that example are:

  • fname
  • lname
  • eml
  • cpy

(don’t use ‘name’ as that is a reserved term in WordPress.)

I exported that form for you. You can download a copy here:


Download and save that json file to your computer. Then go to Forms > Import/Export > Import Forms in your WordPress dashboard. Import that JSON file. Then test it out with the same query string parameters (you can change the values) and with your own domain rather than mine. Let me know if you need any more assistance.