PHP 8.1 - error on form page


I recently migrated a site, but having issues when I enable error logging (need it for other issue)

On the page with a gravity form I have this issue:

str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($replace) of type array|string is deprecated (View: /var/www/site/wp-content/themes/test-theme/theme/partials/pagebuilder.blade.php) (View: /var/www/site/wp-content/themes/test-theme/theme/partials/pagebuilder.blade.php)


                        if ( is_array( $choice ) ) {
                            $choice_value    = $choice['value'];
                            $choice_text     = $choice['text'];
                            $choice_selected = array_key_exists( 'isSelected', $choice ) ? $choice['isSelected'] : false;
                        } else {
                            $choice_value    = $choice;
                            $choice_text     = $choice;
                            $choice_selected = false;
                        $is_selected = empty( $value ) ? $choice_selected : $choice_value == $value;
                        $selected    = $is_selected ? "selected='selected'" : '';
                        $input .= "<option value='" . esc_attr( $choice_value ) . "' {$selected}>" . esc_html( $choice_text ) . '</option>';
                    $input .= '</select>';
                default :
                    // a11y: inputs without a label must have the aria-label attribute set.
                    $input = "<input {$invalid_attribute} {$required_attribute} {$aria_describedby} aria-label='" . esc_attr( str_replace( '{0}', $row, $aria_label_template ) ) . "' data-aria-label-template='" . esc_attr( $aria_label_template ) . "' type='text' name='input_{$this->id}[]' value='" . esc_attr( $value ) . "' {$tabindex} {$disabled} />";

the section it’s highlighting is:

$input = "<input {$invalid_attribute} {$required_attribute} {$aria_describedby} aria-label='" . esc_attr( str_replace( '{0}', $row, $aria_label_template ) ) . "' data-aria-label-template='" . esc_attr( $aria_label_template ) . "' type='text' name='input_{$this->id}[]' value='" . esc_attr( $value ) . "' {$tabindex} {$disabled} />";

Any ideas how I can fix it?

I’m running Gravity Forms: 2.7.6

We’re aware of the issue. We’ll have it fixed in a future release. Thank you for the report.



There was another error:


$block_settings     = isset( $all_block_settings[ $form['id'] ][ $form['page_instance'] ] ) ? $all_block_settings[ $form['id'] ][ $form['page_instance'] ] : array();

With help of the oh mighty lord ChatGPT this helped:

$page_instance = isset($form['page_instance']) ? $form['page_instance'] : 0;
$block_settings = isset($all_block_settings[$form['id']][$page_instance]) ? $all_block_settings[$form['id']][$page_instance] : array();

^^^ dont know if this is correct fix, just had to push through to another error.

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