Javascript action hook not working

We need to add few tracking code when form is successfully submit.
And found “gform_form_saving_action” action hook from
Unfortunately this one not working.
When I checked the source code mentioned in the document, there is no such file at /assets/js/src/admin/save-form/form-saver-events-manager.js
By searching for “gform_form_saving”, I could find it’s code in /assets/js/dist/355.208686d31b904e61799f.js
Seems like it’s not available in the front end.
Is there any way to make it work?

The javascript events shown in that doc are for use in the form editor when saving a form. In order to hook to form submission by a user, you can either add an onlick to the submit button or run a script when the confirmation is loaded – depending on your needs.

4. Append a JavaScript action to the button
3. Output script with confirmation message

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