HTML being decoded in emails and summary

I’m suddenly having this issue where my HTML is being decoded in emails and in the summary before sending the form.

It looks like this:

After parsing the HTML into a HTML previewer I see that < is being decoded to < and > to >

The same issue as in the screenshot happens in emails being sent out, but when going through the form itself the HTML is working as intended.

How can I prevent this from happening?

Hi Kim. This is an issue that is known to the product team, and they are working on a fix. In the meantime, you can use this code to decode that markup in the product summary of the notification:

add_filter( 'gform_order_summary', function( $markup, $form, $entry, $order_summary, $format ) {

    GFCommon::log_debug( current_filter() . ': running hotfix for GH#2468' );
    return html_entity_decode( $markup );

}, 10, 5 );

This is PHP code that can be added to your theme functions.php file, or you can use a plugin such as this one to keep the code separate from the theme: Code Snippets – WordPress plugin |

Please see this article for additional information on placing PHP snippets: Where Do I Put This Code? - Gravity Forms Documentation

Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thank you.

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