How to redirect user to wp-admin?

I created simple Login form. Now I need redirect user to /wp-admin/ if avrething ok. How to make it?
I found this setup

But it dosen’t work right.
After the user has entered the correct email and password details and clicked Submit, he should be taken to the site admin panel. How to fix it ?

I also read this documentation;

And now my shortcode look like - [gravityform id="1" title="true" desctiption="false" ajax="true" action="login" registration_link_display="false"] But it dosen’t work for me.

To use the login shortcode you’ll need the User Registration add-on:

If you have an Elite or legacy Developer license, you can install the add-on via the Forms > Add-Ons page. If you don’t have the required license, you can upgrade your license via your Gravity Forms account page.

I used this addon, but get a problem. Now my short code look like.

[gravityform id="1" action="login" title="true" desctiption="true" registration_link_display="false" login_redirect="/wp-admin/"]

And I don’t see the icons and placeholders for the fields.
When I remove atrubutes action="login" - I can’t redirect after outorisation on a admin page.

I also got some problem in console.

gravityforms.min.js?ver=2.7.6:1 Uncaught TypeError: gform.initializeOnLoaded is not a function
    at gravityforms.min.js?ver=2.7.6:1:36692

I don’t use recaptcha for this form

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