Gutenberg orbital theme settings are lost when form submit fails validation

Hi - to reproduce:

1.Create a simple 1 text field form and make the text field required.
2.Add this form to some page or post and using the orbital theme/gutenberg editor, change the button’s color
3. Enable the AJAX toggle (it works fine if AJAX is disabled)
4.Publish the page and go to that page and now submit the form without entering anything into the text field so that the form fails validation
5. Observe the default blue color is now showing on the button instead of the other color you had set.

Expected result - colors set via the Gutenberg block editor should remain even in form validation error.

See loom:

We do have an issue open with the product team regarding this. I have tagged your ticket in that issue, so they can consider it in planning and development. Thanks for reporting this.

The issue involves styles not being applied after validation or pagination when the ajax form is inheriting the Orbital theme from the default form theme setting. Until a fix is available, you can explicitly set Form Theme → Orbital Theme in the block (instead of the inherited setting).