I’m trying to pass an affiliate click id from a 1st party cookie into a form field. The cookie is working and pulling the query string from the URL and storing it as a cookie.
But no matter what I try, I cannot get it to populate on form fill.
If you have a single line text with, with the box “allow field to be populated dynamically” and then a parameter name of utm_campaign, this code will work just the way it is in the example.
Can you share any screenshots of the way the field is set up, and a link to the form where we can test it?
You are calling the function name populate_irclickid but you did not change the function name. The function populate_irclickid does not exist: populate_utm_campaign does.
You also used a filter name that does not exist. This is the filter name: gform_field_value_$PARAMETER_NAME: