Entry count display

Howdy folks,
I have one form that creates an events with name, start time and number of participants.
Same form creates multiple events.

I pass that onto a registration form, all seem peachy, but how do I display number of registered participants per single event?

it works ok with a single event, but i am stuck on displaying number of participans per specific event

Thank you

Hey there!

The GP Entry Blocks Perk may work for this, it allows you to display a table of entries. To display the number of registered participants per event, you can add a filter to search by “Event”, and then use this snippet to display the total entries: Entries Table Block: Show Entry Count | Gravity Wiz Snippet Library.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you! I wonder how would this work with Bricks, or elementor…

Testing that now, its pretty cool.

How would I display list of events thou?

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