Easy Pagination Advance During Form Preview

It would be nice if GF would make it easier for admins to preview and test forms without having to enter details field by field. Perhaps allow for a “testing values” option. Had this idea as I was trying to test a change I added to a form that’s paginated and needed to quickly get to the last page for testing how formatting and functionality were working.

Hey, @Bnpositive. Gravity Wiz’s Preview Submission perk allows for exactly the functionality you described:


Best regards,

I like the overall idea of that plugin, but it seems like quite a bit of additional work to then have to set those default values for the testing/preview for every field form for every form I create.

It would be nice if I could set default values for any form field type and then regardless of the form, I could just auto-fill those default values into any form and get a quick preview test and submission entry.

Hi @Bnpositive

Our GP Live Preview Perk will be more suitable for this. It has the feature to unrequire required fields and also make a multipage display as a single page form, to make it easier and faster for admins to go through the form and submit it. Please check out the documentation for more information.


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