Deleting a date once input with date picker [RESOLVED]

Hi. I have a form with an option to select up to 5 dates. I have received a few entries with duplicate dates. I now note that once a date is input I can change that date but I can’t delete it (for example if I change my mind and only want to submit one not 2/3/4 dates). It is possible to do this on the ‘preview’ of a form within gravity but not once posted on a page. I have tried it with a simple test form and on a few different themes including 2021. Is this right …?

I think this may be a restriction that is introduced by the use of GP Limit Dates by Gravity Wiz – which prevents direct text input of the date when the datepicker is in use. Without that plugin installed, you should be able to click into the text input directly and delete that date. Their support channel may have some method or consideration for how to handle that.

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Thanks for your suggestion. I don’t have gravity wiz but your reply made me go through and see what else could be causing the problem. It appears that having the script snippet I found on Gravity documentation to disable the autofill feature on the date fields (ie. suggesting emails / names etc) is the culprit.

It is very annoying / reduces usabiity on a mobile to have emails / names suggested for a date field but I suspect I will have to chose between the 2 functions. Thanks again for your input.