I have a group of radio buttons where i’ve enabled the “other” choice and i’m having a hard time figuring out how to get the “other” choice to fit my needs.
I have the design figured out, and i looks like this:
What’s missing is that i need to:
Change the type of the input field from text to number so that it’ll only accept numbers (this is for currency)
Remove the disabled="disabled" attribute from the input so that you can always write in the field without having to check the actual radio button (which is hiddden)
Set the placeholder attribute. Right now the “other”-text is set as the value which the field doesn’t like when type is set to number.
How would i go about doing this? Is it even possible? Am i looking at this the wrong way?
For anyone who might be in the same situation, i solved it using the Gravity Forms Custom Javascript and then just added some simple JavaScript to fix the fields:
FYI, if you would like to run this server-side, you can hook to the filter gform_field_content to run some string replacement for the various attributes of the input.