Could not add HubSpot form. Please try again later [RESOLVED]

I am getting an error when trying to map to hubspot. I fill out everything and get an error message that says.
“There was an error while saving your settings.”

Specifically under the
"HubSpot Form Name(Required) " field it says
“Could not add HubSpot form. Please try again later.”

Has anyone seen this or know of a workaround?
thank you

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HubSpot has made a breaking change to their API several months early. Their developer changelog indicates it should only go live on March 19, 2024.

Please try adding the following code snippet to the theme functions.php file: gform_hubspot_form_object_pre_save_feed - lifecyclestage fix - Droplr


HubSpot 2.0.0 was released Nov 1, 2023 to address this issue.