I’ve created some user fields using ACF one of them has a field type of date picker. The display format doesn’t match the return format when its displayed in a text field in gravity forms using {user:start_date} . If I choose the start date from the user profile page using m/d/y it displays as Ymd without formatting in the Gravity forms field. while I can not get the date to display from the user profile to the gravity form using the date field in the form, I can update the date from the date field in the form to the user profile using User Registration Add-On (I’m trying to use a text field for the date data instead of trying to map the date from profile to date field in gravity forms). I’m not sure if there is way to have Gravity forms display the date information in a different format. I’m hoping to have the ACF date data of Ymd display as m/d/y in Gravity forms or at least display the date with some formatting. I hope I explained that properly.
I haven’t been able to find a solution to have Gravity Forms return the date format differently than the DB value (YYYYMMDD), I’m also not having luck getting the Date Picker data to map to the Gravity forms date field either. I’m probably just going to use a text field for the data and not use the date picker ACF field for the user profile. If I find a solution I’ll post it, if not I’ve already found some great information about other functionality I wanted to use with Gravity forms.
Ended up manually adding extra user contact methods to my functions.php in my child theme, instead of using ACF. I’m just going to either manually enter everything through a form to populate the display form or import the entries using csv file to upload the content to Gravity Forms and map the fields. Thanks.