Save and continue without link [RESOLVED]

Is there a way for logged in users to return to the page that contains the form at a later moment and continue filling it out?

The challenge: I want to use GF as a tool to simplify creating a strategic document. Users would have to overthink their entries and be able to change it some time later if they change their mind.

I would rather have them return to their account and continue where they left off instead of looking for a link in their mailbox.

This could definitely be improved, but here is the code I have running behind a shortcode in order to serve up a list of user’s saved forms.

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That’s a pretty sweet utility, @uamv

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Thanks Joshua, How do you implement this on the website?

Hi Sabra. Once the code is installed, you use the shortcode [gravityget] to display a list of that user’s saved form progress (on a page or post or in a widget):

 * Adds a [gravityget] shortcode with parameters for listing specific GF entries
 * form="2,4,11" (comma-separated list of forms from which to pull entries)
 * user="current|user_id|all" (identify the user for which entries should be pulled)
 * type="save|submitted" (show either saved or submitted entries)
 * since="" (not sure this works, yet)
 * count="" (not yet implemented)

Thanks @chrishajer I will try it out and let you know.

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Thanks so much @chrishajer. It worked!

Awesome. Props to @uamv for this one!